Daily news continues to roll in with regard to global warming and weather change especially but international and national policymakers remain unsure of both its veracity and consequences. Information that supports the theories of eco-alarmists and environmental skeptics alike seem to pepper the airwaves, while news of bush fires in Australia and devastating floods in India only aggravate the issue. To add to the barrage, I recently read that an internationally funded Weather satellite has just been tasked to exclusively study the melting of ice that sits atop the North Pole, allowing researchers to watch the movement of ice in great detail for the first time (yes, apparently first time). And the borders of Italy and Switzerland have to to reworked due to the melting icepeaks!
This issue that the human industrial presence was causing an unprecedented rise in global temperatures sparked a lively discussion among 2 of my close friends who are also involved in this area but in diametrically opposite fields. One is a researcher at a Greencetric NGO that actively hunts environmental violations by corporates and fights it out in courts while the other is a lawyer who coincidentally represents these corporate baddies. I played the firefighter albeit with a green bias and got to hear interesting arguments.
For my attorney pal, he dismissed the alarmist point of view and argued that nature needs to be harnessed. With regard to ice melting at the poles and the Italian-Swiss borders, he felt we could gather scientific data before jumping to political conclusions. Just because a wacky global warming activist misrepresents scant satellite information for her own visionary schemes, he felt there was no reason to go off half-cocked and ban the global internal combustion engine.
He complained that there were too many people who wanted social change at all costs, such as those who released urban bred animals to certain death in the forests rather than use them to warm our bodies or fill our stomachs, those who would rather leave millions starve for water than let build a dam and those who preach about poverty alleviation, govt negligence but themselves don’t pay the tax. Hmmm!
Even if the ice was indeed melting at the poles, he argued that we needed to avoid the divisive rhetoric of the eco-radicals in dealing with it, if we need to deal with it at all. After all, he felt there has been far more damage to forests from Mother Nature’s rains and floods than harvesting by loggers would ever cause. And responsible loggers replant with a constructive purpose; nature still needs to be harnessed. Mother Nature doesn’t think, and often environmentalists and global warming worrywarts don’t take time for that either. He stated both needed to be challenged when they run amuck.
After my lawyer pal was through downing almost a full bottle of Smirnoff, my eco-warrior buddy made his case for caution in our overconsumption and overcopulating ways.
Mother Nature, as you say, “needs to be harnessed” because we as a species have this mistaken notion that our running amuck is a “natural” Progression. If we hadn’t been so arrogant as to think plopping down 7 billion people on this planet wouldn’t have adverse effects on the climate, ecology, etc. then we’d understand that losing 200,000 acres of forest to wild fires isn’t that big a deal – or wasn’t till we reduced our forests to such a small tiny mass. We’d rather believe that this planet can get along fine with very limited populations of all species except our own.
Sure, the ecosystem is very large and not all effects are felt immediately; however, the belief that our present course of action won’t result in the destabilization of said system and the destruction of the planet as we know it - is the same stupidity and lack foresight and judgement which resulted in so many our children being born deformed due to their parents either exposed or/ of drinking contaminated water and food. He added that everyone wanted to believe that if it looks good two years down the road, then there are no worries… but as we all now know, that’s a big mistake and too big a gamble to risk this planet.
After hearing this loud verbal duel, I was left with enough food for thought of my own that I couldn’t declare a verdict nor present my personal view to this hugely gigantic issue. Mankind I realized needed a much bigger, collective and gargantuan firefighter for this burning problem and I was just a small fry. Really small indeed.
- Websnacker is a blogger/bootlegger from Antartica
Đây là những nội dung đáng chú ý trong dự thảo quyết định của Thủ tướng về công bố biểu cước van chuyen hang ve Ha Noi từ khu công nghiệp, biểu giá dịch vụ van tai hang hoa Hue mà Bộ Giao thông Vận tải đang lấy ý kiến. Giải pháp được đưa chuyển hàng về Đà Nẵng ra nhằm giải quyết các bất cập về việc chủ tàu nước ngoài tự ý thu nhiều phụ phí, gây thiệt hại cho các doanh nghiệp xuất nhập khẩu.
Theo Bộ Giao thông hiện nay các chủ tàu nước ngoài hoạt động đang tự đặt ra nhiều loại phụ cước van chuyen hang hoa Sai Gon mà không được đăng ký, như phụ cước dịch vụ container, phụ cước tắc nghẽn hàng hoá tại cảng, cước mất cân đối container giữa hai đầu bến, cước chuyển phát nhanh Quốc tế ...
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Là 1 nhà hàng Uy Tín – Đáng Tin Cậy. mang chuyên nghiệp trong lĩnh vực tài chính. Chúng tôi luôn đặt “Lời ích các bạn khi vay tiền lên hàng đầu”. Sau thoáng đãng năm phát triễn nghiên cứu. nhận diện được sự ngăn cản và thủ tục rượm rà lúc vay tiền hiện thời. buộc phải chúng tôi đưa ra giải pháp mới thích hợp với khuynh hướng mới Vay tiền mặt – có tiền nhanh trong ngày.
một. Thủ tục vay đơn thuần nhất hiện nay
Chỉ bắt buộc giấy tờ ko buộc phải giám định rườm rà. Bằng tài xế hoặc Hộ khẩu đã vay được tiền.
2. thời kì giải ngân tiền mặt nhanh nhất bây chừ
Cam kết phê chuẩn hồ sơ trong 15 – 30 phút. Giải ngân tiền mặt sau 30 phút – đến 2h giả dụ làm cho hồ sơ trước 21H Tối. Chúng tôi cam kết giải quyết trong ngày. không để tồn sang hôm sau.
3. Vay toền online miễn sao bạn mang mạng internet
phần lớn lúc phần lớn nơi. coi xét website. Chúng tôi sẽ có chuyên viên tư vấn nhiều năm kinh nghiệm hỗ trợ bạn. Bạn ko phải buộc phải đi xa chờ đợi. Chỉ bắt buộc nhấc máy và gọi. Sẽ vay được tiền.
4. không hề tài sản bảo đảm, chẳng phải chứng tỏ thu nhập
Chỉ đề nghị thủ tục đơn giản như trên. Chúng tôi ko nên ai bảo lãnh khoản vay cho bạn. nên siêu yên ổn tâm không khiến cho phiền người nhà bạn.
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